
A player who is committed from start to finish

Contributing to the energy transition is more than just a responsible undertaking. It is at the very core of our business.

Forme M

Our approach

"We are experts committed to your energy transition.

We put all our energy into extending the service life of your electrical equipment and we do it well. We are proof that the know-how of excellence inherited from the past can be the breeding ground for solutions for the future. Aware of the major climate challenges, each of our actions is shaping a new energy reality.

Alongside our customers, our suppliers and our partners, we are taking action, innovating and moving boundaries to accelerate the transformation towards a more responsible and sustainable form of energy.
Energy that reduces waste, favors re-use and conserves resources.

A new energy that respects people and the environment, here and everywhere on the planet.”



A cornerstone of the ecological transition

At MasterGrid, innovation has one overriding objective: to protect the environment.

Each of our innovation projects is part of an environmentally committed approach. Supported by a dedicated committee, our approach is based on three major principles :

Deploy a more responsible business model


By favoring the development of a circular economy throughout our value chain.

Anticipate future regulations


particularly as regards SF6 gas, and working with our customers and partners to develop alternative technological solutions that put us ahead of the game.

Accelerate decarbonization


Manufacturing more environmentally friendly components, made from responsible procurement processes, and analyze our products life-cycle to identify ways of improving our own carbon footprint and our clients’.

Societal and environmental responsibility

A proactive approach

In line with what drives us day to day, we wanted to commit the company to a proactive approach supported by all our employees.


Environmental commitment


Social commitment


Societal commitment

Taking action


An annual carbon report since 2022


Raising awareness
of eco-actions and eco-behavior


6% work-study students across the Group – 44% employed at the end of their work-study period1


Local suppliers: 75% in the Rhône Alpes region, 94% in Europe


85% of our employees have taken part in a Climate Fresk workshop (target 90% by 2025)


Standard ISO 140012



Value-sharing schemes3


Supplier code of conduct


Committment to the ACT4 and SBTi5 methodologies

  1. Group figures, 2023.
  2. Careful monitoring and sorting of industrial waste to improve recycling rates and reduce landfill: ISO 14001 certification obtained for the Grenoble, Lyon and Nord branches.
  3. Profit-sharing, purchasing power bonus, etc.
  4. MasterGrid is committed to the BPI France-ADEME accelerator and is currently using the ACT  (Assessing low Carbon Transition)  methodology to structure its decarbonization strategy and action plans.
  5. The company has committed to the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) to monitor its decarbonization. A carbon assessment is carried out every year for the 3 scopes. The first results will be published before the end of 2024.

MasterGrid is a member of the French Fab and Coq Vert communities.
