Forme M Top Right 2

Legal notices and GDPR

MasterGrid cares about consumer rights, particularly when it comes to the automated collection of personal data. In an effort to ensure complete transparency for its clients, the company has implemented a policy covering all its data collection and processing activities, as well how the data is used, so that individuals have the necessary means to exercise all rights at their disposal.

For all further information concerning personal data protection, please visit the site of the French Data Protection Authority CNIL

Continuing to use this site implies your unconditional acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use. The version of the terms and conditions currently published on the site is the only version enforceable throughout your use of the site and until a new version replaces it.

By virtue of Article 6 of French law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, site users are informed of the identity of the persons involved in the publication and maintenance of the site

Presentation of the site


The site is owned by :
MG Holding SAS
2 rue de la Néva – 38000 Grenoble – France

SAS, Share capital 9 493 574 €
Head quarter : 2 rue de la Néva, 38000 Grenoble, France
N° SIREN : 852 947 407
N° SIRET : 852 947 407 00023
Intra-community VAT : FR 81 852947407
RCS Grenoble :  : 852 947 407
APE : 70.10Z
Tél. : +33 (0)4 56 60 45 92

Represented by : Ludovic VALLON
Managing editor : Anne CHAZALET

Nous contacter

Creation and hosting

The site was built and is hosted by pro(G – agence de communication, 3 rue du Pré d’Elle, 38240 Meylan, 04 76 41 31 31 –

Article 1 — Access to the site

Access to and use of the site are strictly reserved for personal use. Please do not use this site and the information or data published for commercial, political, publicity use, or for any form of marketing, especially unsolicited e-mails.

Article 2 — Intellectual property and site content

All brands, photographs, text, comments, illustrations, images (whether animated or not), video sequences, sounds and all applications used to operate the site and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the site are protected by the French intellectual property laws in force.

Full ownership of all elements is retained by the publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, reuse, or adaptation of all or part of these elements in any whatsoever form, including applications, are strictly forbidden without prior approval in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorised use of the site or any of the elements it contains shall be considered as a violation of copyright and pursued in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and subsequent of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The site accepts no responsibility for offensive, racist, libellous, or pornographic comments made in its interactive areas. The company also reserves the right to delete any content contrary to the values of the company or to applicable legislation in France.

Article 3 — Site management

To ensure suitable management of the site, the publisher may at any time:

  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or any part of the site, reserve access to the site or certain parts of the site to a specific category of internet users;
  • delete any information potentially disrupting the operation of the site or causing it to violate national or international laws;
  • suspend the site to carry out updates.

Article 4 — Liability

The publisher shall not be held liable for equipment failures, breakdowns, difficulties, or disrupted operations preventing access to the site or any of its features.

The equipment serving to access the site is your full and entire responsibility. You should take all suitable measures to protect your hardware and your data, especially against virus attacks. You have sole responsibility for the sites and data you consult.

The publisher declines all liability for any legal proceedings against you resulting from:

  • your use of the site or any other service accessible via the internet;
  • your non-observance of these general terms and conditions.

The publisher assumes no liability for any damage caused to yourself, third parties and/or your hardware due to your internet connection or use of the site, and you hereby renounce all actions against the publisher for such occurrences.

If the publisher is named in an amicable or legal proceeding due to your use of the site, it may initiate proceedings against you to obtain compensation for all damage, indictments, penalties, and costs resulting from such proceedings.

Article 5 — Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links to all or part of the site must be authorised by the publisher. All links must be removed at the request of the publisher.

All information accessible via external links to other sites is not published by the publisher. The publisher has no rights or control over the content of said external links.

Article 6 — Data collection and protection

Personal data may be collected from a site user if they complete the contact form: first and last name, company and e-mail, as well as by the recruitment form: first and last name, e-mail, most recent position, education & training. The data collected from the open application form is used to contact you for recruitment purposes. None of these data shall be used for marketing purposes.

Article 7 — Right to access, rectify and oppose use your data

By virtue of personal data protection regulations, users have the following rights:

  • right of access: users may exercise the right to access their personal data we hold, using our contact form. In this case, prior to honouring this right, the Platform may require proof of the user’s identity;
  • right to rectify: if the personal data held by the Platform are inaccurate, the user may request that the data be updated;
  • right to remove data: users may request the Platform to limit the processing of their personal data in accordance with cases foreseen by the GDPR;
  • right to oppose data processing: users may express their opposition to the processing of their personal data in accordance with cases foreseen by the GDPR;
  • right of portability: users may request that the Platform releases their personal data for transfer to a new platform.

For any requests, contact us using our contact form.

All requests must be documented with a copy of signed, valid proof of identity bearing the address at which the publisher can contact the requesting party. A reply will be made within one month of receipt of the request. This one-month period may be extended by two additional months if the complexity of the request and/or number of requests require.

Furthermore, and since the enactment of French Law no. 2016-1321 of 7 October 2016, persons desiring to do so may provide instructions on how their data are handled after their death. For further information on this matter, you are invited to visit the CNIL website.

Users may also submit requests to CNIL on the same site CNIL.

We recommend that you contact us first before submitting a request to CNIL, as we are at your full disposal to resolve your issues.

Article 8 — Use of data

The personal data collected from users is necessary to respond to your request or to contact you for recruitment purposes.

Article 9 — Data storage policy

The website will store your data for a period required to deliver your services, contact you, etc.

You may request to delete your data at any time.

Article 10 — Data sharing with third parties

No personal data are shared with third parties. Data are not collected for commercial reasons.

Article 11 — Cookies

What is a cookie?

A cookie or trace file is a text file placed on a computer (PC, tablet, phone, etc.) and informed whenever you visit a website, read an email, install or use software or a mobile app, whatever the type of device used (source in French:

By visiting this site, cookies used by the publisher and/or third parties may be placed on your device.

On your first visit, a message explaining how cookies are used will be displayed. Afterwards, if you continue to browse the site, you are considered to be informed and to have accepted the use of said cookies. Your consent is valid for an unlimited period. You may disable cookies in your browser settings.

For mobile devices, please use the following links:

All information collected is used solely to monitor traffic volumes, type, and configuration.


This site uses Matomo to analyze traffic and help us improve your user experience. We process your email address and IP address and cookies are stored on your browser for 13 months. This data is only processed by us and our web hosting platform.

According to the CNIL: “The CNIL is aware of the need for a publisher to measure the audience of its website. Given, on the one hand, the specific purpose of these cookies and, on the other hand, the very limited risk to the protection of privacy posed by this type of processing under certain conditions, the CNIL has decided to consider that these cookies could be implemented without having received the prior consent of the persons concerned. To benefit from this exemption to consent, the CNIL considers, however, that such processing must comply with specific conditions in order to respect the interest or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned.”

The use of trackers is governed by Article 32 II of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, transposing Article 5.3 of Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 12, 2002 as amended by Directive 2009/136/EC. To find out more about cookies and tracers, we invite you to consult the CNIL website:

For all additional requests, contact us.

Article 12 — Photographs and product visuals

Photographs are not contractually binding on the publisher.

Article 13 — Governing law

These terms and conditions concerning use of the website are governed by French law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts where the publisher head office is located, subject to the assignment of specific jurisdiction resulting from a specific legal or regulatory requirement.

For all questions concerning the site itself or our company and services, please use our contact form.